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Christmas in July: another way for businesses to stop harming the environment

It’s clear that the business sector has a major role to play in helping to protect the environment, and governments worldwide are encouraging businesses to “do their bit” to achieve goals on sustainable consumption and production, and corporate responsibility.

So while Christmas is often seen as a time of excess and commercial gain, one company is making it possible for others to curb spending, help the environment and still keep the spirit of Christmas alive. is having Christmas in July in 2006 and offering others the opportunity for further savings on their already economical corporate ecards for businesses that buy their ecards before the end of August.

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(Un)Happy Planet Index

The Happy Planet Index is a new global measure of progress, calculating the environmental cost with which countries deliver lives of different length and happiness, revealing for the first time that happiness doesn’t have to cost the Earth.

Launched today by nef (the new economics foundation), the Happy Planet Index is the first of its kind, and its results are surprising, or even shocking. The ranking puts the UK in 108th place and the USA in an even worse 150th out of 178 countries.

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87% of British public opposed to new nuclear power stations

From the Green Party press office:

In advance of the government’s energy review due tomorrow, the Green Party today released the results of a national survey dramatically highlighting public opposition to a new generation of nuclear power stations, and revealing widespread criticism of the way in which the government conducted it’s review.

Green Party Principal Speaker Keith Taylor commented: “When asked directly whether they supported plans to build new nuclear power stations, 87% of respondents rejected the nuclear option, in stark contrast to an overwhelming 98% support for greater investment in renewable energy, and 99% support for greater investment in energy-saving measures at home and work. This puts pay to any suggestion the nuclear power is accepted as a necessary evil by the UK.

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New generation flower power

The Dutch Advisory for the Landscape asked designers to come up with a new generation wind-turbine. One Architecture, Ton Matton and NL architect (collectively known at 100MW Mountain) did just that with this bouquet of “flower power” windmills. Via: Ecofriend

Tuc tucs take to Brighton’s streets

Starting tomorrow and for the first time in the UK, tuc tucs will be on the streets of Brighton, making getting about the seaside town just a little bit greener and lots more fun. The fleet of 12 vehicles are virtually emission free because they are run on CNG (compressed natural gas), and the vehicle operators, Tuc Tuc Ltd. will be opening their filling station to help the public go green too.

The individually decorated tuc tucs, from the tongue-in-cheek Burberry-clad “Chavrolet” to the fruity “Strawberry” are set to become a big tourist attration and will operate 7 days a week, all year round.

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