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One Planet Cinema kicks off in Nottingham

oneplanetcinema.gifWake up and smell the coffee. One Planet Cinema is holding a free showing of Black Gold at the University of Nottingham, the first leg of a series of free public film showings organised by Capacity Global and Every Action Counts. The screening of Black Gold is at the University of Nottingham on 11 March 2008 from 5.30pm, and is open to the general public as well as university students.

Marking the end of national fair trade week, the event will be showing the film Black Gold. Multinational companies now dominate our shopping centres, high streets and supermarkets. This command of a £40 billion industry makes coffee the most valuable trading commodity in the World after oil. This film explores the plight of coffee farmers in Ethiopia and explains that whilst we’re queuing for our lattes and cappuccinos, how so many have been forced to abandon their coffee fields because of low purchase prices enforced by multinationals.

One Planet Cinema is raising awareness of how interested individuals and groups can take real action against climate change and other important issues. With free film screenings and discussions with key speakers, Capacity Global hope they will encourage and inspire groups to take action. One Planet Cinema screenings continue until November in major cities including Manchester, Leeds, London and Bristol. For more information, check out Capacity Global’s events schedule.