It’s not very often that you’ll hear us campaigning against something like this eco town. But as guest contributor Michael Smith points out, this eco town is not as “eco” as it’s being made out to be, and it risks turning beautiful countryside and farmlands into just another car-filled urban area. For a bit of background on this story, read here.
Ford it is not a brownfield site as claimed. 87% of the land is greenfield farmland and with the cost of food increasing, should we be building on land actively used for agriculture? The more farmland we build on – the more expensive our groceries become!
Our roads, schools, hospitals and water supplies are already under huge strain and 5,000 – 15,000 houses will increase the pressure on local services even further. The more demand we put on supplies and services – the more expensive they become!
The developers believe half of all the new houses will not need cars. If they build a minimum of 5,000 houses, 2,500 could have up to 2 cars. That could be 5,000 cars, which is more pollution and that isn’t ‘eco’ is it?
There will be a massive increase of traffic levels in the local area affecting everyone who use the roads around our villages, including the over burdened A27 and A259. The developers propose a link road through Ford eco-town, which would raise traffic and noise levels further, increasing pollution too. Not very ‘eco’ then?
Nature is my playstation – is it yours? An eco town would remove all the natural wildlife that we are so lucky to have on our doorstep. Its not just animals that would be destroyed – trees will be chopped down, wild flowers and hedgerows will be lost forever! Can the developers build a zero carbon eco-town, without causing any damage to local wildlife or natural eco systems?
Visit the NO Ford Eco Town campaign blog.