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Green Awards Recognise Green Creativity

The last 18 months has brought about real change in the way that climate change and the need for sustainability is portrayed by the media, and from this has evolved the first Green Awards, to be held on 29 November 2006.

Traditionally some green activists have shunned the use of marketing as a consumerist tool, but as the world changes and the need to publicise the way to sustainable living becomes more urgent, advertising and marketing is becoming an important way to get the message across.

The Green Awards have been created to recognise the cream of creative work that illustrates and communicates , corporate social responsibility, sustainable development and ethical best practice.
The categories for the awards are:

This award is for any individual advertisement, or part of a campaign, that has been published in the UK, either in the nationals, locals, magazines or free sheets. It must communicate a product, service, or event that demonstrates any aspect of sustainability or green issues.

This award is open to TV commercials that have been broadcast on either terrestrial, satellite or cable stations in the UK. Your entry can be of any length, just as long as it communicates a sustainable, recycling or green message.

Radio is quite often a much under-rated medium, but when done creatively, can be very effective, as it is rewarding for the listener. Entries are welcome from any company that has broadcast an advertisement of any length, either on a national, or local commercial radio station in the UK, that communicates a green or sustainable message.

When we say ‘outdoor’ we mean those big posters by the roadside, or the ones you see on bus stops, or even the ads you now see that wrap around a telephone box. If your outdoor poster has communicated a sustainable or green message in a clever, creative way, then this is the category for you.

The 21st Century is the digital era. If you have successfully captured your brand message, promotion or service, that communicates a green or sustainable message in a creative execution that has either appeared online or in an e-shot, then why not enter it for a Green Award ?

This category is open to all companies who have used direct marketing as a medium to communicate their green, sustainable or recycling message to consumers. Your entry could be anything from a multi-piece, high volume personalised mailing, or a non-personalised single item mailer, to a hand delivered, highly targeted piece.

Like the above, this category is open to all companies who have used direct marketing as a medium to communicate their green, sustainable or recycling message to the business community. Your entry could be anything from a multi-piece, high volume personalised mailing, or a non-personalised single item mailer, to a hand delivered, highly targeted piece.

This award is for the best campaign that creatively achieved its aims and objectives by leveraging a single idea across multiple media channels ( e.g. advertising, direct marketing, digital media etc. ) to illustrate some aspect of sustainability, whether for a product, service, event, private company, public sector information campaign , NGO or charity sector campaign.

Modern technological advances in manufacturing processes, and the ever increasing methods of utilising recycled, or recyclable materials, means there is now greater demand than ever before from the consumer for us to carefully choose how we package our goods. Your entry may demonstrate effective use of materials, or a creative use of materials, plus design.

PR has an important part to play in the marketing mix too. This award is for the best campaign that most effectively uses public relations to generate publicity to build awareness, support a consumer marketing campaign or support corporate values on community, social, ethical or reputational issues. It should illustrate some aspect of sustainability whether for a product, service, event, private company, public sector information campaign, NGO or charity sector campaign.

This award will celebrate the skill and craft of the copywriter. Your entry may be a dazzling piece of prose that forms part of an advertisement, poster or brochure, or it may be the all important letter that accompanies a piece of direct marketing. Whatever you decide to enter, don’t forget that the copy you submit must form part of a communication that deals specifically with a sustainable message for your product or service.

This is the one for the style merchants among you. If you have produced a piece of advertising or design with a jaw-dropping layout to die for, then download your entry form right now ! Again, your entry can be an advertisement, a brochure, a mailer or form part of an item of packaging, that fits your brand criteria like a glove, and all importantly communicates some sustainability message.

For more information about the awards or how to enter, visit the Green Awards website.