- In response to George Monbiot’s recent article in the Guardian on “ethical consumerism”, Gareth Kane of Eco-Living explains how we can carry on spending, and still be eco-friendly in his blog post entitled Less is more? Treehugger also comments on George’s article, saying that ethical shopping shows how rich you are, and that if really want to live green, you shouldn’t be buying anything you don’t absolutely need.
- I was digging around on Squidoo the other day and came across a very cool lens about The Non-Electric Life. It’s got some interesting ideas for cutting down energy use.
- Amy Stodgill says it’s easy to get rid of the plastic bag problem, in your life anyway. Just say no to the plastic bag is her advice at Green Options.
- Greenthinkers gives us 5 uncommon uses for baking soda and 5 More Uncommon Uses for Baking Soda. Baking soda is bicarbonate of soda in the UK. I’m particularly pleased to hear that it removed crayon from walls, something that I have a little problem with at the moment.
- Off-grid gives advice to flood victims, and those who are at risk of flooding in their blog post entitled Floods send Brits off-grid ready. By making a few changes to your home, you could be a whole lot better off if and when this happens again.
- Treehugger provides more details on PC Worlds carbon neutral PC.
- Out There Blog lists 10 ways to detox your home. Some great ideas here, not all simple to implement, but worth bearing in mind for when you make the bigger changes.