Art for housewives
I’ve long been an admirer of Cynthia Korzekwa’s blog “art for housewives”. The idea behind Cynthia’s art (and blog) is the recycling of household items into art. She uses what many would consider to be rubbish to frame her work, or to inspire it, or to be the canvas for her unique paintings. All of her pieces of art have a special spirit that is carried forward from the items that they are recycled from, making them far more interesting than regularly framed art on a regular canvas.
The book
Cynthia has recently published the book, ARTE PER MASSAIE (art for housewives), in which her unmistakable illustrations are combined with handwritten text in folkloric Italian (and followed by, as Cynthia puts it: “…a less folkloric English translation.”) The book is about making art, not trash (a recurring theme in Cynthia’s work) and includes projects for recycling household rubbish into art. The book is a paperback, printed on 100% recycled paper and is available for sale via Etsy.
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