I’ve just been trawling through the 50 websites that TIME.com are calling the “Best Websites of 2008” and am struck by the lack of green websites on that list. Considering that climate change is probably the biggest threat we as the human race face, and that we in the West are by now quite aware that it’s our way of conducting our lives that is causing the problem, it’s pretty astounding that there just aren’t more great websites out there that are guiding and helping us in an effort to change our ways. Or are there?
TIME.com included CarbonRally.com and Apartment Therapy as the only green sites worthy of a mention in their “50 Best”. Afrigadget.com was another site that could fall into this category, but that, according to TIME.com was the limit to great sustainability sites in 2008.
Move over TIME.com, here are EcoStreet’s “Best Websites of 2008”, an eclectic mix of sites old and new, and they’re a far greener best than yours. I’m adding another 7 sites to TIME.com’s 3 to make it a Top 10.
Global Warming: Early Warning Signs
If you think that global warming hasn’t already started, think again. Global Warming: Early Warning Signs provides hard evidence of how the earth’s climate is already changing.
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