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Clash of the consoles

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Games consoles have featured on thousands of letters to Santa this year, replacing many older consoles that will end up in the mountains of e-waste that are growing by the day. Now Greenpeace is pitting console against console in their… Read More »Clash of the consoles

The Story of Stuff

Have you ever wondered where all the stuff is now that you’ve received as Christmas presents over the years? From your childhood, through your teenage years and into adulthood? How about everything you’ve ever given anyone else for Christmas? I’ll… Read More »The Story of Stuff

A 6 year old’s take on climate change

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A load of dead important people from all over the world are flying to a place called Bali.

They are going to talk for ages about if we should do enough to save the climate. They will decide if loads and loads of people in Africa and other places might die, lose their homes, animals, plants and stuff. And this is all bicause of how many trees are chopped down, and how much stuff we dig out of the ground and burn, to make dirty enregy from. This makes bad gas escape which traps the heat of the sun, making the planet hotter. I don’t think people, animals and plants should be dying bicause of that.

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Shopocalypse now!

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What could be more appropriate on the eve of Buy Nothing Day 2007 than enjoying some of Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping. It’s been a while since we’ve heard from him, but now he’s on the big… Read More »Shopocalypse now!