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3 Amazing Eco Laptops

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Committed green warriors pride themselves on limiting their negative impact on the environment, but they often forget about the damage that power-hungry laptop PCs can do to the Earth. We all use computers daily and those machines tend to suck… Read More »3 Amazing Eco Laptops

Plastic, or food?

A close up of an ocean sample from the North Atlantic Gyre (slow rotating whirlpools in which plastic trash can accumulate), showing both pieces of plastic and zooplankton. You’d be hard pressed to tell the difference. Fish and other marine… Read More »Plastic, or food?

Save England’s Forests

The government is getting ready for a huge sell-off of our national forests to private firms. This could mean ancient woodlands are chopped down and destroyed.   But they need to push new laws through Parliament before these plans can… Read More »Save England’s Forests