Summer is the season to get outdoors and commune with nature. There are barbecues, days out and picnics too. Here’s how to keep it green.
Some say it’s best to grill over gas, and others say that FSC-certified charcoal is the way to go. Whatever you choose to do, make sure it’s not a disposable barbecue.
Choose local, organic meat and veggies and sustainably caught fish, and try not to over-cater. Avoid meat and other food that is pre-packaged, and recycle your cans, bottles and plastics once the barbecue is over.
Here’s some good advice if you are planning to go shopping for a new barbecue.
I bought my husband one of these Swedish firesteels from Natural Collection and he loves using it to light the barbecue. I’m sure it makes him feel like a green, rugged man. Natural Collection have 20% off the firesteel until the end of June, so bag one now if you want one.
Day’s Out
Instead of hopping straight into the car for a day out, consider taking the train instead. You could even take your bikes with you on the train if you don’t travel at peak times. If you do decide to take the car, check your tyre pressure, avoid hard acceleration and keep your speed down.
Choose a destination where you won’t be using loads of energy like at traditional seaside fairs. Rather go to the beach, the woods, or try out BeWILDerwood, a new eco-friendly theme-park in Norfolk.
My mantra for days out is: Take nothing but photographs, leave nothing but footprints. Take your rubbish and recycling home with you!
Pack up that picnic basket with lovely home-prepared local, organic food and head for the hills. Well, perhaps not the hills. Picnicking locally means you’re not spewing out lots of CO2 getting there (unless you take the train, see point above).
Use cups and plates that you can take home, wash and use again, or try these amazing rugged, tough and robust bowls and cups made of bio-degradable bamboo fibre eco-plastic. They’re fine for hot food and can go in the dishwasher.
Take along a blanket and something comfortable to sit on.
And if you’re planning a really posh picnic don’t forget the recycled glasses for your organic champagne.
Get out and about this summer!
Whatever you decide to do this summer, make sure you get outside to appreciate the wonders of nature. And if you have kids, you may be interested to know that by taking exposing them to nature now, you’ll be ensuring a greener future for them.